By Matt KollmorgenMay 06, 2019

Accelerate to Become CX-Driven

Three focal areas to be customer experience-centric in media.

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By Chip PlesnarskiApr 09, 2019

Get with the Programmatic

Why it’s time for television to follow digital’s lead on advertising.

clock-icon-black  4 min read
By Matt KollmorgenMar 06, 2019

Media and Entertainment Rendering: Contain Yourself

The top three benefits of containerization for media and entertainment rendering.

clock-icon-black  2 min read
By Matt KollmorgenJan 30, 2019

The Blueprint for Recommendation System Success

How a hybrid recommendation engine creates competitive differentiation.

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By Borys Omelayenko, CIPP/EJan 24, 2019
Data & AnalyticsOther

First Fines Under GDPR

By the end of 2018, regulators had enough time to investigate and issue the first set of GDPR fines. Here are some examples.

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By Matt KollmorgenJan 23, 2019

All Hail, Hybrid

Why a hybrid model should be used for recommendation engines.

clock-icon-black  2 min read
By Matt KollmorgenOct 02, 2018

Person(ality) Driven Recommendations for Media

How media can speak the right language for the five personality types.

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By Matt KollmorgenSep 17, 2018

How (and why you need) to Identify Personality Traits for Marketing

Elevate personalization beyond demographics, purchase history, and interests.

clock-icon-black  1 min read
By Matt KollmorgenAug 02, 2018

Nike Just Did It (And Why Your Brand Should, Too)

Personalization in brand experience is more data-driven now than ever.

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By Matt KollmorgenJul 19, 2018

Technological Triage for Media

How to reclaim fans through innovation.

clock-icon-black  2 min read