Building an Insights Ecosystem: Part 2. Experience Design
Integration Experience Design for a More Accessible Actional Insights Ecosystem
Forward-thinking enterprises are shifting their focus away from being data-aware to being data-driven. They are no longer satisfied with leveraging insights in their marketing and sales operations, but rather seek to do so in every facet of their business. While almost all executives are pursuing this data-driven objective, less than one-third have accomplished it to any degree.
While almost all executives are pursing this data-driven objective, less than one third have accomplished it to any degree.
A prerequisite for all-inclusive, data-driven intelligence is a comprehensive Actionable Insights Ecosystem (AIE). In part one of our panel discussion series, we covered Enterprise Data Platform (EDP)—the foundation of an insight ecosystem.
However, unlocking data value requires more than a quality foundation and framework for hosting data. A holistic approach to connecting business, tech, and customers is a must. Companies must ensure that design-thinking and human-centricity are at the heart of their ecosystem. By achieving this, they humanize data and make it accessible to all relevant parties.

By implementing a holistic understanding of the people behind the enterprise, experience design (XD) creates cohesion and consistency across multiple business units, stakeholders, and touchpoints. XD frames the problem, defines personas, and distinguishes scenarios in key end-user groups to tailor effective solutions and user journeys based on context and underlying needs.
For SoftServe’s AIE, experience design optimizes interactions across the value chain—connecting the what (experience), why (problem/opportunity), and how (resources, processes, technology) for stakeholders to act with confidence.
In part two of our digital panel discussion series, we're talking to Snizhana Bezhnar and Andrii Rusakov—the SMEs leading Experience Design for insights-driven solutions—to dive into the role of XD for actionable data.
What is the role of experience design in the Actionable Insights Ecosystem and why is it important?
SB: Decisions, strategy, and operational excellence are all necessary for humans striving to achieve certain goals and KPIs by applying targeted strategies. Building a successful actionable insight ecosystem is impossible without diving into who those humans are and how they accomplish their tasks. In order to understand that, you have to understand what struggles, pain points, and areas of opportunity currently exist.
By making humans—those benefitting from the data, instead of data itself—central to the insights equation, we can arrive at a perspective that includes not only the digital aspect of the solution, but also manual and offline processes, corporate culture, and organizational structure.
AR: A deep understanding of users’ roles and needs is essential. We work with insights personalization for corresponding user groups to reflect their differences. For example, a manager and an individual contributor are most likely to be focused on different areas, but can nevertheless both be informed by the same data types.
Our approach to providing a solution at different levels is aimed at achieving a different level of experience transformation, which can mean “doing the same things better” or “doing something radically different”.
Our data-informed journey lets businesses start with faster/leaner operations, continue with personalized advice, and move forward with smarter decisions for an advanced value proposition.

Unlocking data value and the democratization of insights requires a human-centric approach to development that places emphasis on those using the delivered insights. Simply hosting, organizing, and managing data will not accomplish the ultimate objective of AIE.
Actionable means different things to different stakeholders, so it is crucial that these human beings are all accounted for in the journey to becoming data- driven.
XD plays a vital role in AIE establishment, guaranteeing end-to-end human centricity—not only for today’s insights, but also to ensure that your ecosystem can grow with you at scale.
There is so much more to cover with XD’s role in the ecosystem. Take a look at this more in-depth interview on its use in business analysis to explore further.
Want to learn more about the Actionable Insights Ecosystem?
Dig deeper in our series of articles:
Building An Insights Ecosystem: Part 1. Enterprise Data Platform
Building An Insights Ecosystem: Part 3. Business Analysis
Building An Insights Ecosystem: Part 4. AI And ML
Is your data humanized and accessible to the right stakeholders, at the right time, in the right places?
Reach out to find out more about how Actionable Insights Ecosystem—fueled by human-centric design—can help you achieve data-driven excellence in the long run.