by  Alexander Amelin

Prescriptive Patient Engagement

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The public’s exposure to a variety of different digital products, platforms, and IoT devices, is leading the healthcare industry into a world where medication reminders are sent by text and chronic illnesses are managed by wearables.

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In fact, the analyst firm IDC predicts that by the end of 2020, 25% of the data used in healthcare will be collected and shared by patients themselves.

There are three considerations to keep in mind when it comes to patient engagement:

Cost reduction

Patient engagement is shown to reduce costs by giving healthcare organizations the necessary data for precision healthcare, improving overall health outcomes, and reducing readmission.

By improving patient engagement systems, healthcare organizations are able to stay tapped into the overall health of their patients. Noticing patterns and anomalies in their care, guiding their recovery, and keeping tabs on appointments and medications makes for patients that are overall healthier.


Patient engagement demands that people get involved. In other words, the patient is willing and able to participate in his care, and the provider is educating them on their treatment. For instance, a patient with diabetes can make better, more informed diet decisions if they understand how blood sugar works. Providing well-designed print and web patient handouts, written in plain language, and making sure that they reach patients is key. However, communication does not stop there. The majority of the patient’s time is spent outside of the doctor’s office. But what happens during that time has a huge impact on outcomes. That’s why it is especially important that patient engagement continues between appointments. Secure messaging through patient portal adoption is one of the best ways to answer questions, provide guidance on managing care, or reminders on medications, the possibilities go both ways.


While other industries like retail are quick to embrace the latest gadgets to engage customers, healthcare’s regulations make it a challenge to innovate.

Providers are integrating digital tools more than ever. These tools support the functions of patients’ medical records, medical portals, smartphone technologies and wearables. These devices have pushed value-based care between patients and doctors.

The problem, however, is when the digital tools don’t align with the federal regulations and requirements that providers have to follow. American Hospital Association has conducted a report that reveals care givers are spending an immense amount of money on administrative tasks in order to comply—upwards of $36 billion each year.

Get more out of patient engagement by reading our latest white paper, “Are You the Weak Link in Patient Engagement?”

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