Save Time, Deliver Awesome Demos With RPA
Spend less time updating demo environments and more time showcasing your company’s products in action.
What to Consider When Selecting a Modern Software Partner
How to move from a transactional to partnership vendor model.
Optimize Ecommerce and Accelerate Sales
What’s the formula for a first-class ecommerce experience?
Is your Modern Software Development Approach on Track?
Software Development Done Right
Manage Wealth Better with CAI
Generational wealth is being transferred to clients expecting a superior experience. Are you ready to deliver?
Upgrade to Sitecore 10 for Improved Marketing Success
Sitecore 10 decreases TCO, improves your customer journey, accelerates your time to market, and unifies experience and marketing management in one platform.
Computer Vision in Retail
The top five computer vision trends and applications in the retail history
UCU-SoftServe Research Group
SoftServe and Ukrainian Catholic University created the UCU-SoftServe Research Group at Machine Learning Lab of the Faculty of Applied Sciences.
Unlock the Potential of Tailored Learning Utilizing AI & ML
We began our “Ask SME About” series to answer questions on the projects and solutions we create with our specialists and partners.
Data Driven Asset Management for Energy, Oil & Gas
Ensure maximum asset availability and drive end-to-end process improvements through applied AI/ML.