SoftServe Meet-up: Keeping Competitive with Robotics, IoT, and ML


Jun 28, 2018


SoftServe HQ - Austin, TX


Join us at SoftServe Austin HQ for our latest meet-up, “Keeping Competitive with Robotics, IoT, and ML.”

Businesses across the marketplace are struggling for a competitive advantage these days. And while it’s obvious that modern technologies such as robotics, IoT, and machine learning (ML) bring an incredible value it isn’t necessarily clear how to start implementing them into the business.

Where should you start?

Our SoftServe Advanced Technologies Group experts will demonstrate how easy it is to start leveraging robotics, IoT, and ML to get fast and easy value, and to build a baseline for future business automation.

We will demonstrate some of our recent projects such as smart parking and catering robots, and give comprehensive details on how easy it is to build robots and use advanced technologies.

Don't miss a chance to see and be served by the live robot! And don’t forget to register to secure your spot!



Olha Hrytsay, Advanced Technology Programs Leader

Olha has 9 years of experience in large-scale solutions including analytics, data warehousing (DW), and big data for a number of global companies in network security, healthcare, and financial services. As an Advanced Technology Programs Leader, she drives some of the most strategic and comprehensive initiatives in SoftServe, based on a combination of multiple advanced disciplines such as machine learning, big data, IoT, and robotics.

Lyubomyr Demkiv, Ph.D., Research Engineer

Lyubomyr has 15 years of experience as a software and research engineer primarily working on IoT, embedded, and robotics systems.

He is also a Co-Director of NATO SPS MYP Project G5176, associate professor at FAPPS UCU and Sc.D. student at LPNU. His academic studies and research work are mainly related to dynamical systems intelligent control.

Lyubomyr has recently joined SoftServe to contribute his rare mixture of practical and academic skills in IoT and robotics projects.


Thursday, June 28, 2018

6:00 – 6:15 pm – Networking / Meet-and-greet with free local craft beer and tasty food
6:15 – 8:00 pm – Presentation, followed by Q&A and networking


SoftServe HQ 201 W 5th Street Suite 1550 Austin, TX 78701

About Meetups

Meetup is organized around one simple idea: when people get together and do the things that matter to them, they are at their best. And that’s what Meetup does. It brings people together to do, explore, teach and learn the things that help them grow. Join SoftServe’s meetup community in Austin.