Provider Notification Mobile App for Healthcare Insurance Giant
Our client wanted to develop an innovative solution for population health management to help mitigate the trend of rising healthcare costs coupled with higher numbers of patients with chronic diseases.
Platform Unification and Integration for Global Biopharmaceutical Company
Our client needed to harmonize their technology stack and migrate all digital assets to use same stack and run on a common platform.
Retail Loyalty: Omnichannel Access
How valuable is a loyalty program, if it isn’t omnichannel?
Customer Experience: It's About Trust
Optimal media experiences require audience trust.
Threat Detection and Analysis Solution Uses Data Science, Big Data and Self-Learning
The client consulted with SoftServe to assist with its security tool, threat detection, and analysis solution that included hardcore data science, big data, and self-learning.
Smart Suit Solution—Virtual Workout Assistant
Experience smart(er) exercise for a healthier lifestyle.
The Rise of OTT Advertising
Why over-the-top (OTT) is a significant channel for advertisers.
Loyalty Programs Benefits
How loyalty programs give back to brands.
Delivering Intelligent Cybesecurity
Cybersecurity: using AI and ML to improve data loss prevention.
CRM Database Customized to Track Customer Information
The client wanted to be able to easily access and deal with customer information using their own integrated processes and flows.