
TegBand: Implementing A Thermo-Electric Generator Band

The TegBand Project demonstrates how to harvest ambient thermal energy.

Case Study

Single Platform Created for Vacation Rental Brands to Improve Efficiency and Reduce Costs

With its increased number of brands, it is important to the client that rental management owners across all brands have a similar experience.

Case Study

Jungle Disk Migrates 4.5 PB to Google Cloud

The client needed to move 4.5 PB of data to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for cost-saving purposes and better storage plans.

Case Study

Vertigo Music Completes Successful AWS to GCP Cloud Migration

Vertigo engaged GCP together with SoftServe to migrate on GCP App Engine Flexible Environment to reduce hosting and operation expenses.

Case Study

GCP Data Lake Migration for Enterprise Data Capture Leader

Our client had workflows running on AWS and wanted to migrate them to GCP. The ultimate long-term goal was to save costs.

Case Study

Migrating Content from a Legacy Solution to the New Sitecore XP Solution

The main challenge of the project was migrating the content from the legacy Sitecore implementation to the new Sitecore XP solution.

Case Study

Staffing Tools Optimized To Accelerate The Staffing Process

The SoftServe team, in order to support the company's strategy of growing by three times over the next three years, needed to accelerate its staffing process.

Case Study
Financial ServicesSoftware

Financial Budgeting Platform Allows Changes and Analysis in Online Mode

The CIS finance team worked with SoftServe's finance department to find a solution that gives users the ability to change and analyze financial project activities in an online mode.

Case Study

Web-Based Security Monitoring Application Improves User Satisfaction

The client wanted to attract new customers and increase its sales by providing a redesigned application that changed user flows to improve user experience.

Case Study

Visualization Tool Builds Data-based Graphics for Sales Analytics Solution

To increase the number of renewed contracts, and thus revenue, optimized sales and price recommendations were needed to maximize margin dollars without the risk of losing business.