By Valentyn KropovMar 05, 2018
Data & AnalyticsRetail

Big Data and Psychometrics: The Threshold of Change in Retail

Building the most accurate predictions of human behavior requires psychometric information, and the retail industry is uniquely positioned to capitalize on this.

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By Alexander AmelinFeb 27, 2018
Healthcare & Life Sciences

Manage Chronic Illness—Digitally

Improve patient outcomes through digital patient engagement

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By Anthony MazzucaFeb 05, 2018
Healthcare & Life Sciences

Join SoftServe at HIMSS18

Are you attending HIMSS18? If so, make sure to stop by our booth, #12646.

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By Guillaume KendallJan 25, 2018
Financial Services

Tailoring Your Bank to the 2018 Customer

As banks become more digital, is your company appealing to the modern customer?

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By Guillaume KendallJan 25, 2018
Financial Services

For Banks, Going Digital to Drive Customer Engagement

Banks are constricted by regulations and legacy processes; going digital means more human interactions.

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By Serge Haziyev, Iurii MilovanovJan 19, 2018
Data & Analytics

Big Data Maturity: Where Are You in the Journey?

SoftServe’s Big Data experts Serge Haziyev and Iurii Milovanov explain the Big Data maturity model.

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By Roman KrayovskyyJan 18, 2018
Software Development

The Perks of Going Agile

Evolve from traditional to agile for faster projects with better ROI.

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By Taras BachynskyyJan 12, 2018
Data & Analytics

Setting Better Goals for Big Data Projects

SoftServe Data Architect Taras Bachynskyy gives insight on best practices and common misconceptions in setting attainable Big Data project goals.

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By Roman KrayovskyyJan 12, 2018
Quality ManagementSoftware Development

Test Automation: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger

Make the most out of your agile SDLC with test automation.

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By Alena GolopuzDec 13, 2017
Data & Analytics

Giving Consumers Data Control Under the GDPR

The GDPR gives more power to consumers to control and manage the use of their data—are you compliant?

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