By Yuliya YurchyshynMar 30, 2017
Business Analysis

A Business Analyst Hackathon: Explore and Unlock New Thinking

Hackathons for business analysis teams become brainstorming and development sessions for generating new ideas.

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By Matt McBrideMar 21, 2017
Experience Design

You Are a Designer and I Am a Prototype

Watch SoftServe VP Matt McBride discuss how a tragic accident led to a career in experience design.

clock-icon-black  1 min read
By Andrii GlushkoMar 16, 2017
Experience Design

User Involvement – An Essential Part of Development

Experience design expert Andrii Glushko explores the importance of incorporating the design thinking into agile development.

clock-icon-black  5 min read
By Brian HeltsmithMar 06, 2017
Experience Design

Designer Dilemma: Users and Stakeholders

Experience design expert Brian Heltsmith explores empathy and the designer’s role in the development process.

clock-icon-black  5 min read
By Kate KucherenkoFeb 21, 2017

5 Technology Trends That Will Transform Retail in 2017

Learn how retailers are using AI, VR, and more to improve the customer relationship.

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By Jess VadinoFeb 08, 2017

3 Small Changes for Big Impact on Customer Experience

In this blog post, retail expert Jessica Vadino discusses small changes that can improve the customer experience.

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By Matt KollmorgenJan 24, 2017

Competing in a Fan-based Economy: Create Fans Not Customers

SoftServe VP Matt Kollmorgen describes the problem with audiences and strategies for cultivating a loyal fan base.

clock-icon-black  6 min read
By Oleksandr BerchenkoJan 19, 2017
Data & AnalyticsSoftware Development

How to Load Data from a Hadoop Cluster into a MemSQL Database

In this post, system architect Oleksandr Berchenko describes two ways to load data from HDFS to a MemSQL database.

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By Matt KollmorgenJan 11, 2017
Innovation Platform

Digital Transformation – It’s Really All About People

While technology powers today's startups, for users, digital disruption is about creating a memorable experience.

clock-icon-black  3 min read
By Serge HaziyevJan 03, 2017
Innovation Platform

Digital Resolutions for a Disruptive New Year

Here's how your enterprise organization can take a broader, deeper, and more thorough approach to digital transformation.

clock-icon-black  3 min read