By Oleksandr MykhalchukMar 27, 2019
Cloud & DevOpsSoftware Development

Assess DevOps Structure through CALMS

Learn more about the CALMS model for DevOps success.

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By R&D TeamMar 22, 2019

Mindfulness Meditation Stimulated by Mid-Air Haptic Feedback

SoftServe investigates the possible applications of mid-air haptics innovation for the art of meditation.

clock-icon-black  3 min read
By Rich HerringtonMar 21, 2019
Healthcare & Life Sciences

Here’s to Your (Data) Health

How blockchain plays a (de)central role to transforming data in healthcare.

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By Navjot SinghMar 11, 2019
Financial Services

Collaboration Redefines Customer-Centricity in Banking

Strategic alliances between banks and FinTechs bring innovation.

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By Matt KollmorgenMar 06, 2019

Media and Entertainment Rendering: Contain Yourself

The top three benefits of containerization for media and entertainment rendering.

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By Rich HerringtonFeb 27, 2019
Healthcare & Life Sciences

Healthcare Trends 2019: More Connected and More Converged

Trends in 2018 will evolve at the pace of rapid change for digital healthcare

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By Rodion MyronovFeb 21, 2019
Data & AnalyticsSoftware Development

Keeping Compliant: The Importance of Data Governance

As data usage grows more complex, new regulatory initiatives make compliance an important component of data governance.

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By Rich HerringtonFeb 13, 2019
Healthcare & Life SciencesIoT, XR, Robotics, AI & ML

Be Smart About Healthcare AI

Leverage AI for value-based healthcare, but avoid these common mistakes.

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By Navjot SinghFeb 05, 2019
Financial Services

2019 Trends: Financial Services Firms Shift Focus to Collaboration

Customer experience, big data, blockchain, and collaboration for FinTech success.

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By Matt KollmorgenJan 30, 2019

The Blueprint for Recommendation System Success

How a hybrid recommendation engine creates competitive differentiation.

clock-icon-black  3 min read