By Taras KovalchukNov 08, 2018
IoT, XR, Robotics, AI & ML

Extended Reality: Fact and Fiction

AR, VR, and MR are taking the world by storm—but what are the common misconceptions behind extended reality?

clock-icon-black  3 min read
By Taras KovalchukNov 06, 2018
Healthcare & Life SciencesIoT, XR, Robotics, AI & ML

Why Healthcare Needs AI and ML—Stat!

Big strides in healthcare’s digital journey are available daily.

clock-icon-black  1 min read
By Anton ArapetyanOct 23, 2018
Healthcare & Life Sciences

Healthcare: Progress Starts with People

Machine learning makes healthcare better, but not without people.

clock-icon-black  2 min read
By Alexander AmelinOct 17, 2018
Healthcare & Life Sciences

Don’t Fear the Cloud—Embrace It

Improve security and compliance with AWS and SoftServe.

clock-icon-black  1 min read
By Jeremy ParsonsOct 10, 2018

Breaking Out of the Old Brick-and-Mortar Retailing

How will your retail business rethink the way it does brick-and-mortar?

clock-icon-black  2 min read
By Alexander AmelinOct 03, 2018
Healthcare & Life Sciences

Breaking Barriers in Healthcare

How AWS and SoftServe empower healthcare providers today and for the future.

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By Vladyslav Tsybul’nyk, PhDOct 03, 2018

Is FPGA the “Next Big Thing” in AI Hardware?

How do field programmable graphics arrays (FPGA) fare within bleeding edge technology application such as dee p learning?

clock-icon-black  2 min read
By Matt KollmorgenOct 02, 2018

Person(ality) Driven Recommendations for Media

How media can speak the right language for the five personality types.

clock-icon-black  3 min read
By Andriy BenchSep 28, 2018
IoT, XR, Robotics, AI & MLR&D

Will Machines See with Movidius?

Does Movidius Neural Compute Stick have what it takes to truly bring the power of visual machine learning to any device?

clock-icon-black  2 min read
By SoftServe TeamSep 27, 2018
Healthcare & Life SciencesIoT, XR, Robotics, AI & ML

IoT: The Key to Healthcare Connectivity

IoT is the key for the unified healthcare system of the future.

clock-icon-black  2 min read