By Volodymyr YelchevDec 11, 2017
Healthcare & Life SciencesIoT, XR, Robotics, AI & ML

Wearables and IoT Security in Healthcare

Wearables and IoT devices bring real-time monitoring to healthcare, but require scrutiny when it comes to security.

clock-icon-black  2 min read
By Matt KollmorgenDec 07, 2017

7 Things Data Analytics Can Learn from Online Dating

Learn how online dating has leveraged data to launch itself into a multi-billion-dollar business.

clock-icon-black  7 min read
By Alena GolopuzNov 27, 2017
Innovation Platform

First Steps to Navigating the GDPR

Check out some of the basic requirements of the new regulation transforming EU data usage.

clock-icon-black  2 min read
By Volodymyr YelchevNov 27, 2017
Healthcare & Life SciencesSecurity

Healthcare Security: Diagnosing Ransomware Risk

Learn how security assessments and penetration testing determine your security posture.

clock-icon-black  3 min read
By Volodymyr YelchevNov 23, 2017
Healthcare & Life Sciences

80% of Doctors for Telemedicine—Is It Secure?

Learn the benefits of successful telemedicine—as well as its security risks.

clock-icon-black  3 min read
By Volodymyr YelchevNov 22, 2017
Healthcare & Life SciencesSecurity

Due Diligence in Healthcare Cloud Security

Know your security responsibilities and vulnerabilities.

clock-icon-black  1 min read
By Anne JohnsonNov 15, 2017
Innovation Platform

Getting the Most Out of Kronos

Maximize Kronos to best manage your workforce.

clock-icon-black  2 min read
By Antonina SkrypnykNov 14, 2017
Financial Services

Finding Where You Land in Financial Services Experience Design

First steps and current trends in redesigning your experience design for the fintech industry.

clock-icon-black  4 min read
By Antonina SkrypnykNov 13, 2017
Innovation Platform

A Collaborative Approach for a Unique API

How to create a base for customized digital innovation.

clock-icon-black  3 min read
By Volodymyr YelchevNov 08, 2017
Healthcare & Life Sciences

Pros and Cons of Healthcare in the Cloud

Discover the benefits and risks of keeping PHI and PII secure while migrating to the cloud.

clock-icon-black  4 min read